Workout Recap - Week of July 21, 2019
This week featured an extension of my nebulous, ill-defined discomfort that wasn't quite an injury. After lingering around my left...
On 2 Years of Shouting into the Void
I'm a fan of The Alexandrian. Justin Alexander's Gamemastery 101 posts on designing robust scenarios, interesting dungeons, satisfying...
Workout Recap - Week of July 14, 2019
Unfortunately, my body was feeling weird this week. I had a spot just under my right scapula that was sore on Monday, and then I got the...
The Random Esoteric Creature Generator for Classic Fantasy Role-Playing Games and Their Modern Simul
Rating: A+ Length: 66 page PDF This is clearly a different sort of book than what I usually review. However, it's also a fantastic...
Workout Recap - Week of July 7, 2019
Finally, I am able to live again. That said, I have no idea what happened with the challenge workout this week. I suppose the inability...
Workout Recap - Week of June 30, 2019
This one's going to be brief, because I'm mostly just trying not to melt. Sunday Type: Pass/Fail Kneeling Fingertip Push Ups - 1 set of...