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Workout Recap - Week of August 23, 2020

So, it was a quiet August around here. That happens sometimes. I have gotten close to finishing with that amazon guide post, so I'm hoping that getting that up will help to open the floodgates on the following seven.

In news more relevant to this post, I used this week to get back to doing timed workouts and...they went rather poorly. Whether I've really lost a step or not, I felt like crap during and after them. It seems taking a break to do different sorts of workouts set me back further than anticipated (surely didn't help that I slacked on the last few weeks of that, too). That's alright, though. This is a manageable obstacle.



Type: As Fast As Possible

5 sets of:

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Prisoner Squats

Time = 5:00

Bonus: none

Well, I had to start testing myself against my old standards at some point, so I went for that here. Came up short of what I'd wanted, and I was disturbingly winded towards the end of it. Maybe it's a matter of working from home cutting me off from a lot of hidden exercise like walking up and down the stairs to a sixth-floor cubicle, maybe it's general stuff on my mind weighing me down, maybe it's messing with the timing between when I eat and when I exercise. Whatever the case may be, it's something I should put my mind on improving.


Type: As Fast As Possible

3 sets of:

21/15/9 Plyometric Lunges (each side)

21/15/9 Push Ups

21/15/9 Straight Leg Raises

Time = 5:15

Bonus: 8 chin ups

A slight variation on my past usual quickie triplet, and a second straight workout where I was running out of steam disturbingly quickly. This is definitely something to keep an eye on.


Type: As Fast As Possible

5 sets of:

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Prisoner Squats

Time = 5:15

Bonus: none

My groin was a bit sore after the last workout despite taking an extra day off. That's probably at least partly responsible for the time getting worse, because the workout itself felt marginally better than Monday's. Tentative sign of progress, perhaps.


Type: As Fast As Possible

3 sets of:

21/15/9 Plyometric Lunges (each side)

21/15/9 Push Ups

21/15/9 Straight Leg Raises

Time = 4:45

Bonus: 3 burpees

That's more like it. I should be able to get this time down more (I'm still thinking about what I'm doing while doing push ups), but trending in the right direction is a good sign, and I once again felt better afterwards. I'm suspecting that I'd gotten into too much of a rut with workouts where I didn't have any time pressure, so my body had gotten used to pacing itself instead of out of attacking hard from the start. That's encouraging, if so, since that ought to be easier to remedy than the main alternative.


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