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Workout Recap - Week of September 27, 2020

Leaning further into the half-challenges seemed to make a big difference in my mental state. I'm pretty jazzed about the results I got, too. A solid week all around.



Type: As Fast As Possible

5 sets of:

5 Pull Ups

5 Burpees

Time = 3:00

Bonus: 10 bridges

While there are the occasional burpees where I feel my hips get out of position during the push up phase, I think I was at least close to having clean form for the vast majority of them. That seems to bode well, not just for future burpees but for my posture in general.


Type: As Fast As Possible

50 Burpees

Time = 4:15

Bonus: 10 bridges

Alright, that's a pretty nice completion time! I didn't go back to check how I'd done on this workout in the past, but I think it's a competitive result.


Type: Pass/Fail

Pull Ups - 2 sets of 10 (pass)

Handstand Push Ups - 2 sets of 15 (pass)

Hanging Bent Leg Raises - 2 sets of 12 (pass)

Bonus: none

Ramping things up gradually on this front. Perhaps I'm going slower with it than I absolutely have to, but I'm in no rush.


Type: As Fast As Possible

5 sets of:

5 Pull Ups

5 Bridges

Time = 2:15

Bonus: none

Honestly, I'd been thinking that the last time I got on this workout might've been a fluke, so it's good to see that that wasn't the case. Excellent!


Type: As Fast As Possible

5 sets of:

5 Pull Ups

5 Burpees

5 Bridges

Time = 4:30

Bonus: 5 pull ups, 5 burpees, 5 bridges

Taking things a step further to close out the week, and I like what I ended up with. Scaled up to my past version of this routine, this time would put me on pace to finish slightly ahead of my personal record, which sounds like a good place to be. I think I'll still hold back on going all the way back just yet, but I'm not dreading seeing how much I've regressed anymore.


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