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Workout Recap - Week of October 11, 2020

I took a bit of a circuitous route to get in five workouts this week, but in retrospect, I'm glad that I stuck to it. The natural incentive to stay at home every day lately brings some hidden mental pressures with it, and while I remain fortunate enough to have pretty minimal extra hardships due to the pandemic, I could be doing a better job of keeping up my personal discipline. Sticking to a routine is a small victory, but a win is a win.



Type: As Fast As Possible

5 sets of:

5 Pull Ups

5 Burpees

5 Bridges

Time = 4:30

Bonus: 5 pull ups, 5 burpees, 5 bridges

Holding serve on my completion time with this routine. As usual when it comes to plateauing, there's some frustration, but I try focusing on the positives of not regressing.


Type: Pass/Fail

Close Pull Ups - 2 sets of 6 (pass)

Shoulder-width Handstand Push Ups - 2 sets of 7 (pass)

Hanging Bent Leg Raises - 2 sets of 15 (pass)

Bonus: none

Progressing in two of the movements here. I'll be ready to go up a step in my leg raises soon, too, but I wanted to stagger doing that to avoid pushing on all fronts at once.


Type: As Fast As Possible

5 sets of:

5 Pull Ups

5 Burpees

Time = 3:00

Bonus: none

I felt myself dragging out the start of this workout, in terms of both pushing it out by a day and getting distracted over and over when I was trying to get started, so I cut it down to a five set cycle instead of the six I'd planned on initially.


Type: As Fast As Possible

5 sets of:

5 Pull Ups

5 Bridges

Time = 2:30

Bonus: none

Since pushing out the week's third workout to Thursday instead of Wednesday put a crunch on the remaining days, I also pared this one down to five sets to avoid overloading myself in an effort to fit in five workouts for the week.


Type: As Fast As Possible

5 sets of:

5 Pull Ups

5 Burpees

5 Bridges

Time = 4:30

Bonus: none

Back where I started the week, in a manner. I'll take it, though, because at least it means that I met my little target of doing five workouts. Not much more to say about this routine that's become fairly standard by now, other than that I do want to get back to doing six sets with it again in the near future.


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