Looking Over Book of Challenges: Troll and Pets
Premise A troll and some rust monsters team up to annoy the PCs to death. Good The tip in the intro to use rust monsters sparingly is...

Looking Over Book of Challenges: Fool Me Once
Premise A vertical shaft has some traps to foil attempts at ascending it with magic. Good The dispel magic trap is a clever bit of...

Looking Over Book of Challenges: Fire and Water
Premise A contraption for manipulating pools of lava and water hides some treasure. Good The lava in the pyramid top remaining liquid...

Looking Over Book of Challenges: An Object Lesson
Premise A creature of Chaos has taken over a maze and animated its furnishings as defenders. Good I’d been dubious about how much shale...

Looking Over Book of Challenges: Hill Giant Madness
Premise Three weakened hill giants are terrorizing the countryside. Good Giving the townspeople useful information they can tell the PCs...

Looking Over Book of Challenges: Grotto of the Shocker Lizards
Premise A clutch of shocker lizards lairs in a watery grotto. Good I like the boxed text including a dimension that isn’t divisible by 5....

Looking Over Book of Challenges: Cubical Kennel
Premise A cube of 216 10x’10’x10’ rooms is the lair of a blink dog pack. Good In contrast to Displacer Beast Maze providing an example of...

Looking Over Book of Challenges: All of the Treasure, None of the Traps
Premise A winding passage is full of triggered traps that rearm if the treasure at its center is disturbed. Good The basic idea of having...
Workout Recap - Week of September 19, 2021
I'm mostly happy with the form of this week's workouts. I swapped doing a timed workout on Saturday to a pass/fail for reasons that...

Looking Over Book of Challenges: Watery Grave
Premise A sea hag has set up a mousetrap with a tasty scroll tube as the cheese. Good Combining multiple traps that have Strength-based...