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Workout Recap - Week of January 31, 2021

Well, I made good on starting to do some other posts, but I'm disappointed in myself that it's been almost four months since I've had a five workout week. There isn't much to be done about it aside from trying to pull myself together and break that streak.



Type: Pass/Fail

Diamond Push Ups - 2 sets of 20 (pass)

Closing Bridges - 2 set of 6 (pass)

Close Pull Ups - 2 set of 10 (pass)

Bonus: 3 handstand push ups

I'm hitting the progression targets for all three of these movements. The push ups are still a bit too rough towards the end of the second set for me to feel up to changing that, but the bridges and pull ups are both in good condition to step up the difficulty.


Type: Pass/Fail

Diamond Push Ups - 2 sets of 20 (pass)

Stand-to-stand Bridges, one wall touch on the way up - 2 sets of 2 (pass)

Uneven Pull Ups - 2 sets of 3, each side (pass)

Bonus: 5 burpees

Ask and ye shall receive. Both new movements felt solid. I've still got to work my way up in the rep counts, but at least it doesn't feel like I'm unsure about being able to do clean reps.


Type: Pass/Fail

Shoulder-width Handstand Push Ups - 2 sets of 11 (pass)

Shrimp Squats - 2 sets of 5, each side (pass)

Hanging Straight Leg Raises - 2 sets of 10 (pass)

Bonus: 5 burpees

More steady progress with these movements. I'm feeling ready to start getting back to isometric L-hangs.


Type: Pass/Fail

Diamond Push Ups - 1 set of 25 (pass)

Stand-to-stand Bridges, one wall touch on the way up - 1 set of 3 (pass)

Uneven Pull Ups - 1 set of 4, each side (pass)

Bonus: none

A single set to squeeze in when I had some time to spare. The new movements still feel good. I didn't manage to fit in a fifth workout, but all in all, I feel alright about how the week went.



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