Workout Recap - Week of March 28, 2021
I did a lot of walking on both ends of this week, but I had some other potential plans that didn't get realized. Long story short, only four workouts this go around.
I'm also feeling quite angry today. For some reason, I can't seem to communicate the difference I see between ideas and their surrounding context (when it comes to judging the added value of historical studies), so I got drawn into multiple conversations where the other side and I were both talking past each other. Sometimes, I hate my brain.
Type: Pass/Fail
Uneven Push Ups - 2 sets of 8, each side (pass)
Stand-to-stand Bridges, one wall touch on the way up - 2 sets of 4 (pass)
Uneven Pull Ups - 2 sets of 4, each side (pass)
Bonus: 7 km walk
Building up the rep total for my uneven push ups is nice. The bonus was something that shouldn't have happened, but apparently, schedules don't matter to other people.
Type: As Fast As Possible
5 sets of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Prisoner Squats
Time = 5:30
Bonus: none
Wow, this was a bad completion time. I don't know what happened, but I just couldn't get things moving. Hopefully not a sign of things to come.
Type: Pass/Fail
Close Handstand Push Ups - 2 sets of 7 (pass)
Shrimp Squats - 2 sets of 7, each side (pass)
Isometric L-Hang - 2 sets of 14 breaths (pass)
Bonus: 20 prisoner squats
More steady progress, plus I threw in a somewhat-real bonus this time. Yay.
Type: Pass/Fail
Uneven Push Ups - 2 sets of 10, each side (pass)
Stand-to-stand Bridges, one wall touch on the way up - 2 sets of 4 (pass)
Uneven Pull Ups - 2 sets of 4, each side (pass)
Bonus: 4 handstand push ups
More uneven push ups for the second time this week is great, as is feeling cleaner about my movements for the bridges. The pull ups are getting close to being ready to push further, too. All in all, a strong workout.
No real workout, but I did walk another 6 km today, so I'm recording it here, for whatever that's worth.