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Workout Recap - Week of September 16, 2018

This was an incredibly hectic week with plenty of unexpected surprises, thus I only fit in four workouts, and none of them were anything remarkable. I also felt like shit for most of the week, due to acclimatizing to a combination of high altitude and somewhat toxic air quality, which didn't do me any favors.



Type: Pass/Fail

Hindu Push Ups - 1 set of 15 (pass)

Underhand Horizontal Rows - 1 set of 25 (pass)

Bonus: none

I'm not going to put up excuses for my performances this week. The introduction outlined what else I was dealing with already, so I was mostly happy to get what I could.


Type: Pass/Fail

Underhand Horizontal Rows - 1 set of 20 (pass)

Bonus: none

Case in point. There isn't much more to be said about this one other than that it was a thing that happened.


Type: Pass/Fail

Fingertip Push Ups - 2 sets of 12 (pass)

Bridges - 2 sets of 15 (pass)

Straight Leg Raises - 2 sets of 20 (pass)

Bonus: 2 sets of 6 half-Aztec push ups

For my personal purposes, I'm defining a half-Aztec push up as an explosive push up where I clear the floor completely and clap my hands against my hips. I'm not sure if I'll try to expand to doing full Aztec push ups at some point, but it's certainly undeniable that they are pretty cool.


Type: Pass/Fail

Fingertip Push Ups - 1 set of 15 (pass)

Bridges - 1 set of 20 (pass)

Straight Leg Raises - 1 set of 30 (pass)

Bonus: 2 sets of 6 half-Aztec push ups

Yeah, this was basically a repeat of the previous one with a minor tweak. There's nothing more to say about it.

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