Workout Recap - Week of April 7, 2019
I started the week intent on a deluxe double-challenge, only to have my plans dashed by a surprisingly social end to the week. Fortunately, with the Good Friday holiday being this week, I'll have a lighter load in the immediate future, which I can use to make up for that.
Type: As Fast As Possible
7 sets of:
7 Pull Ups
7 Burpees
Time = 8:00
Bonus: 1 pull up, 1 burpee
This was pretty much a steady time with what I achieved the last time that I did this challenge. As such, there isn't a whole lot for me to say about it.
Type: As Many Reps As Possible
12 minutes of 50 second intervals with 10 seconds rest of:
Handstand Push Ups (total = 38)
Prisoner Squats (total = 100)
Side Lunges (total = 66, each side)
Mountain Climbers (total = 195, each side)
Bonus: 5 pull ups, 5 handstand push ups
This was a leg-burner. The individual motions were all quite easy, but the raw amount of time that I had to fill with them was a real bear. On the other hand, there's something about leg work that I rather like. So much of it is psychological, so there's a sense of accomplishment to be found in grinding through it.
Type: Pass/Fail
Close Handstand Push Ups - 2 sets of 6 (pass)
Stand-to-stand Bridges, one wall touch on the way up - 2 sets of 8 (pass)
Skin-the-cats - 2 sets of 6 (fail, 5+5)
Bonus: 2 sets of 3 two-way suicide jumps, 25 prisoner squats
I don't do skin-the-cats often, at least not as part of my workouts (there are times when I just do one or two because I feel like it). I'd wanted something other than more hanging leg raises to go with this workout, though, and I thought they'd be a nice compliment to the bridging. They were, at that, but I underestimated how tough this total routine would be on my forearms, so I ended up having to cut back on them to avoid falling on my face. That's a challenge to be overcome, now, of course.
Type: As Fast As Possible
5 sets of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Prisoner Squats
Time = 4:30
Bonus: none
As if the surprise socializing that I alluded to in the intro wasn't enough of a demand on my time, I'd also been working on a side project that I was trying to get wrapped up (which I'll post about soon), so I just went with a quickie workout on this day. That's a pretty solid time, though.
Type: Pass/Fail
One-armed Push Ups, feet together - 2 sets of 10, each side (pass)
T&A Pull Ups - 2 sets of 7, each side (pass)
Pistol Squats, both hands behind me - 2 sets of 6, each side (pass)
Bonus: 2 sets of 6 Superman push ups, 5 burpees
And so does another progression reach its peak (for my aims, anyway). I'll keep on doing those one-armed push ups to make sure that I can maintain that performance, but even if it was just a one-off fluke, it's a good one.