Workout Recap - Week of June 10, 2018
Circumstances conspired to leave me renting a car with a manual transmission this week, despite that I've never tried driving one before....
Workout Recap - Week of June 3, 2018
I'm drawing a blank on what to talk about in this intro. There wasn't really much of note that happened for me in the past week, at...
Workout Recap - Week of May 27, 2018
Only four workouts again this week. Part of it was having another stint of staying at three different hotels in three nights, with the...
The Forty Rules of Love
Rating: C+ Length: 225 pages This was a stark change from the sort of books that I usually read, but it got to jump ahead of my queue on...
Workout Recap - Week of May 20, 2018
Once again, I'll forgo talking about something fitness-related to open this week's recap in favor of thanking everyone who's given a...
Length: Approximately 131,000 words Oh man, this book. I'm not going to say too much about it here because I'd keep gushing for hours...
Workout Recap - Week of May 13, 2018
This was a fairly busy week for me, as I'm preparing for yet another business trip along with trying to put the finishing touches on...
Workout Recap - Week of May 6, 2018
I know that I tend to talk about something related to fitness to open these recap posts, but with my first book having been published...
Length: Approximately 103,000 words I've been working towards this for a long while, so it is with great pleasure that I present my first...
Workout Recap - Week of April 29, 2018
And so ends another trip. With the multiple hotel switches, canceled/delayed flights, and the inevitable annoyances with business at the...