Workout Recap - Week of October 13, 2024
Short week this time, since the gym was actually closed for a statutory holiday for a change. I'll make up for it next week, as I've managed to make arrangements to start doing some double-classes.
Muay Thai class
This was a funky class, focusing on balance and coordination by having us do some post-kick transitions while staying on one leg. It was hard for me because of my brain's issues with that kind of thing, but I seemed to work my way into some semblance of competence by the last minute or so of each round. I got to partner up with a competitive fighter who was seemingly interested in getting their stamina back up after a long break, which I'm always game for. They also mentioned that they liked that I was serious about improving, which they had surmised a while ago because I was only the third person to ever ask them for extra help in their four years of training; that's cool, if it's true.
Muay Thai class
This class was back to some basics, working on punch defense and countering. I had a good time with it overall, and I don't think I ever got caught slacking when my partners tried to surprise me with rapid reps; if there's one thing I'm good at, it's never assuming I can take a break just because I finished a rep. I might occasionally need an extra breath when I'm too tired to go again immediately, but I always at least try. Anyway, a lot of people seem to suck at planking; we finished up with holding a plank for about a minute, and there were several crotches sagging to the mat during that time.
Muay Thai class
I feel like this was kind of a bland and general class, but my brain just was not engaged with reality this day, so maybe that's entirely on my side. In any case, we did a general mix of basic techniques without any central theme or purpose that I could divine. I survived, and I'll be back. That's that.