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Workout Recap - Week of October 20, 2024

Did double-classes a couple of days this week, and I was able to handle them. They seemed to be pretty easy classes, though, so I'm not sure if the kru was dialing things back for me or if I've just overestimated what to expect in them. I suppose all will become clearer in time.



Muay Thai class

The bulk of this class was a twelve-stop drill station gauntlet rotation. I was exhausted by the last couple, but I think I held up fairly well until then. Afterwards, we finished up with some burn-outs doing repeated round kicks, which I was able to do fine for, so if nothing else, my stamina recovery remains strong. Anyway, it was a fun class.



Muay Thai class

This was my first time doing a double-class on purpose. The first session was a stamina-burner with a lot of doubled leg attacks, which was not a promising sign for my choice, but hey, it's unlikely to get much harder than that, so if I survived, I'll find a way to thrive. I did enjoy that, at any rate, since pretty much every drill involved either a low kick, knee strike, or teep, which are all among my favorite strikes. The second session was also a stamina-burner, this time going up and down the length of the gym with constant attacks from alternating legs. Somehow, getting in a flow with those seemed to make them a little easier, though. Towards the end, we did a round with body-level round kicks, and my partner complained that I was hurting their forearms through the pads; assuming that was true, it's a good sign for my body mechanics keeping up well through fatigue.


Muay Thai class

This class was about doing long sequences, which was surely just what I needed after all of the stamina-testing in the previous day (I mean this sincerely; being able to follow a double-session of grinders followed by another such session the next day would be a good sign of my overnight/extended recovery). I honestly surprised myself with how much ferocity I was able to keep throwing with, even while I was feeling thoroughly exhausted. One of the people next to me during finishing calisthenics jokingly got mad that I was making the exercises look easy, which was a welcome compliment. I've never been and will never be an elite athlete by, like, Olympic standards, but I think I do tend to underrate how well I've trained myself on that front.



Muay Thai class

Back to doing another double-session this day, to see how realistic it might be to keep doing that at least twice a week. The first was a boxing class, which felt pretty good. I think I was landing my hooks with some consistent meat, in particular. In the second class, we focused on chaining kicks, in a subtle call-back to Tuesday's first session. I partnered with someone new for that, and they were not ready to hold for my teeps; I can't deny that it's always pleasing to push around someone bigger than me who isn't clearly just letting it happen.



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