Workout Recap - Week of April 1, 2018
On the topic of underestimating stuff, I also underestimated how much that sickness would affect me. Thus, despite saying that I...
Workout Recap - Week of March 25, 2018
So, it turns out that I overestimated how soon I'd be able to make my announcement. Alas, but it will be coming soon. Meanwhile, I also...
Workout Recap - Week of March 18, 2018
It seems like this site's turned from a "whatever's on my mind" blog to a fitness blog. I'll change that soon enough, though. I've got...
Workout Recap - Week of March 11, 2018
So, another week of mixing travel with working out. I've talked about that enough times for the implications to be understood by this...
Workout Recap - Week of March 4, 2018
Well, this was my final full week out here, and as before, things haven't been up to my pre-travel standards on the exercise front. Even...
Workout Recap - Week of February 18, 2018
Two steps forward, two steps back. Finally stopped moving around to new places, at least for the time being, but I had enough other...
Workout Recap - Week of February 18, 2018
Settling into a new place yet again, along with a few particularly long days in the middle of the week, conspired to keep me down a bit...
Workout Recap - Week of February 11, 2018
I said last week that I'd start ramping things up again soon, but apparently, this week was too soon for that. Continuing to travel and...
Workout Recap - Week of February 4, 2018
It was something of a light load for this week. Just the fact that I’m traveling isn’t an excuse for that, so much as the fact that I...
Workout Recap - Week of January 28, 2018
And so, after breaking the streak of consecutive workout recap posts, I start a new one. I've got a couple of #random bullshit posts in...