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Workout Recap - Week of December 15, 2019

Circumstances early in this week led me to favoring pass/fail workouts on the first few days, so I decided to just make that a thing for the week as a whole. Unfortunately, I misread my log of last week's workouts while I was setting things up, so my rep targets for fingertip push ups were substantially less than what they should've been. Alas, but no purpose in dwelling on regrets.



Type: Pass/Fail

Fingertip Push Ups - 1 set of 15 (pass)

One-arm Dead Hang - 1 set of 15 breath isometric hold, each side (pass)

3-limb Bridges - 1 set of 10 breath isometric hold, each combination (pass)

Bonus: 7 bridge kips

As alluded to last week, I put some thought into how to work towards achieving stand-to-stand bridges, and I concluded working on building more strength/endurance in bridging with less than four points of contact with the ground would be a reasonable approach. I figured I could start with working on isometric holds, then pressing up with only three limbs, and then repeat the process with two limbs.


Type: Pass/Fail

Close Handstand Push Ups - 1 set of 12 (pass)

Pistol Squats, both hands behind me - 1 set of 9, each side (pass)

L-Hang - 1 set of 30 breath isometric hold (pass)

Bonus: 2 sets of 6 Superman push ups, 20 breath isometric dead hang

I'd like to do something further for my abdominal work in these workouts, but I'm not sure where to go with it. L-sits might be an option, but I like the additional grip training that I get from working on a bar. I'll have to look over my calisthenic books and see if I can find some inspiration.


Type: Pass/Fail

3-limb Bridges - 1 set of 12 breath isometric hold, each combination (pass)

One-arm Dead Hang - 1 set of 15 breath isometric hold, each side (pass)

Fingertip Push Ups - 1 set of 16 (pass)

Bonus: 7 bridge kips, 3 one-arm pull up negatives (each side)

While doing the one-arm pull up negatives, I could feel a moment of holding myself in the top position of each attempt before gravity overwhelmed me. It was only a fraction of a second, admittedly, but to able to suspend myself at all seems like a great sign for things to come.


Type: Pass/Fail

Close Handstand Push Ups - 1 set of 13 (pass)

Pistol Squats, both hands behind me - 1 set of 9, each side (pass)

L-Hang - 1 set of 33 breath isometric hold (pass)

Bonus: 2 sets of 3 two-way suicide jumps

Scaling up the targets from Tuesday by 10%, rounded down. That's progress.


Type: As Fast As Possible

7 sets of:

7 Pull Ups

7 Bridges

Time = 6:30

Bonus: 1 pull up, 1 bridge

Well, this was a disappointing performance. I'd been on a streak of good showings on my challenges, so this was a major letdown. I'm not entirely sure what happened, because I was on a solid pace for the first half (3 minutes through 4 sets). Maybe I lost some urgency, or maybe I just ran out of gas. Whatever the case may be, it's something I'll try to avoid in the future.


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