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Workout Recap - Week of November 25, 2018

Ah, man, where did the time go? I was very busy helping a friend again for the past couple of days, hence part of the delay in posting this. The other part is just that I was feeling depressed. That happens sometimes, but it's mostly passed, fortunately.



Type: As Fast As Possible

7 sets of:

7 Pull Ups

7 Bridges

Time = 8:00

Bonus: 1 pull up, 1 bridge

A standard weekend challenge workout. I'm not too sure if there's anything else to say about this one, really.


Type:As Many Reps As Possible

3 sets of 30 second intervals with 10 seconds of rest of:

Pull Ups (total = 28)

Lunges (total = 27)

Speed Rows (total = 180)

Chin Ups (total = 23)

Side Lunges (total = 42)

High Knees (total = 129)

Bonus: 10 handstand push ups

Wow, did this kill my arms. It was brutal. In a good way. Also in a painful way.


Type: Pass/Fail

One-armed Push Ups, feet together - 2 sets of 4, each side (pass)

Hanging V-Raises - 2 sets of 8 (pass)

Pistol Squats, both hands behind me - 2 sets of 4, each side (pass)

Bonus: 4 sets of 3 half-Aztec push ups, 5 towel pull ups

I felt like mixing up the pass/fail workout movement groupings a little this week. This one went pretty well.


Type: As Fast As Possible

21/15/9 Plyometric Lunges

21/15/9 Bridges

21/15/9 Sit Ups

Time = 6:30

Bonus: 5 towel pull ups

My groin was sore after this. It seems like I keep finding certain exercises that I've ignored, and plyometric lunges were that exercise for this week.


Type: Pass/Fail

Shoulder-width Handstand Push Ups - 2 sets of 13 (pass)

Towel Pull Ups - 2 sets of 9 (pass)

Pistol Squats, both hands behind me - 2 sets of 4, each side (pass)

Bonus: 4 sets of 3 half-Aztec push ups

When I made my comments for my Saturday workout last week, I'd clearly forgotten about conference championship week.

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