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Workout Recap - Week of May 26, 2019

Wix is doing some weird stuff with their editor interface, thus why this post is delayed (and why there may be some other oddities on my site in the immediate future).

It wasn't a big loss for this recap to be delayed, though, since I had a rather tumultuous week that made it hard find motivation for much of anything. Put simply, it sucked. I'll recover and get things back on track, but this was basically a week to be forgotten.



Type: Pass/Fail

Cross Plank - 1 set of 25 breath isometric holds, each side (pass)

T&A Pull Ups - 1 set of 8, each side (pass)

Pistol Squats, both hands behind me - 1 set of 8, each side (pass)

Bonus: 2 sets of 6 Superman push ups, 5 breath one-armed isometric dead hangs (each side)

This is me forcing myself to do a workout because I know that I should but not really putting my heart into it. That will be a recurring element in this recap.


Type: As Fast As Possible

21/15/9 Chin Ups

21/15/9 Bridges

21/15/9 Straight Leg Raises

Time = 7:45

Bonus: 5 Hindu push ups

A repeat from last week, with the same results.


Type: Pass/Fail

Close Handstand Push Ups - 1 set of 9 (pass)

Cross Plank - 1 set of 25 breath isometric holds, each side (pass)

Bonus: 2 sets of 6 Superman push ups

I really mailed it in on this one. At least it was something of a decent shoulder girdle workout, I suppose.


Type: As Fast As Possible

7 sets of:

7 Chin Ups

7 Jump/Thrust Squats

Time = 6:45

Bonus: 7 chin ups, 7 jump/thrust squats

A simplified challenge that was done just to do it was really the only fitting way to round out this week. At least that seems like a nice finish time.

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