Workout Recap - Week of November 14, 2021
This was a solid week, getting back up to five workouts and having satisfying performances for them. It is always possible to have done more, but I'm pleased with what I did accomplish.
Type: Pass/Fail
Uneven Pull Ups - 2 sets of 6, each side (pass)
Stand-to-stand Bridges, one wall touch on the way up - 2 sets of 6 (pass)
Archer Push Ups - 2 sets of 17, each side (pass)
Bonus: 4 sets of 3 chest-tap push ups
I'm still noticing an odd amount of torso rotation with my uneven pull ups. It's stumping me.
Type: As Fast As Possible
3 sets of:
21/15/9 Hammer Pull Ups
21/15/9 Push Ups
21/15/9 Lunges (each side)
Time = 8:15
Bonus: 7 breath isometric flex hang
I'd expected the relatively slow and methodical lunges to test my staying power, and I did indeed falter for breath a few times because of them. Room for improvement.
Type: Pass/Fail
Uneven Handstand Push Ups - 2 sets of 3, each side (pass)
Isometric L-Hang - 2 sets of 26 breaths (pass)
Shrimp Squats, both hands behind me - 2 sets of 10, each side (pass)
Bonus: 7 knuckle push ups
Squat progress, and other minor gains. It's a win.
Type: As Fast As Possible
3 sets of:
10 Pull Ups
10 Handstand Push Ups
10 Bridges
20 Mountain Climbers (each side)
Time = 8:00
Bonus: 5 chin ups
Having pull ups and handstand push ups in the same timed workout once again caused some minor tightness in my right forearm during the latter. I'm expecting that to once again resolve itself with more repetition.
Type: As Fast As Possible
5 sets of:
5 Pull Ups
5 Burpees
5 Handstand Push Ups
5 Bridges
Time = 8:30
Bonus: 1 skin-the-cat
Mixing in the handstand push ups was a significant increase in difficulty over my old six-set weekend challenge. Curiously, I didn't notice any odd tightness in my forearm for this workout, which suggests that there's something about having the pull ups and handstand push ups right next to each other which is triggering that and that putting any reasonable buffer between them gives my forearms enough time to recover and avoid the irritation. That sounds like a good data point to keep in mind.