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Workout Recap - Week of May 31, 2020

To follow-up on last week's intro, it's been a pleasant surprise that the activists have largely kept their cool despite the establishment's clear interest in escalating matters. I applaud you for showing your character runs true. Admittedly, keeping up with world events has taken up time that I might've otherwise spent here, but I do have a couple of blog posts in mind for the immediate future.

As for this week's workouts, after learning a bit about the mental and physical benefits of meditation, I had another week favoring pass/fail workouts. I've got plans for double weekend challenges next week to make up for the calm.



Type: Pass/Fail

One-arm Pull Up Negatives - 2 sets of 4, each side (pass)

Fingertip Diamond Push Ups - 2 sets of 12, each side (pass)

One-arm Bridges - 2 sets of 2, each side (pass)

One-leg Bridges - 2 sets of 3, each side (pass)

Bonus: 2 sets of 4 bridge kips

Moving forward with my fingertip push ups. To be honest, I don't feel like my grip is all that much stronger than it was already from my bar work, so I'm growing skeptical about how much they actually help. Still, I think it's worth sticking with them at least up to starting semi-unilateral movements, since it could just be that the progress has been too subtle for me to notice.


Type: As Fast As Possible

3 sets of:

20 Push Ups

50 Mountain Climbers (each side)

10 Plank Builds (each direction)

15 Straight Leg Raises

Time = 10:45

Bonus: 2 sets of 7 pull ups

I take the fact that my arms bore the brunt of my fatigue from this workout as a good sign for the state of my chest and abdominal muscles. I'll also take it as a sign that I've got more work to do on my arms.


Type: Pass/Fail

One-arm Bridges - 2 sets of 3, each side (pass) One-leg Bridges - 2 sets of 3, each side (pass)

Uneven Handstand Push Ups - 2 sets of 6, each side (pass)

Front Tuck Dead Hang - 2 sets of 12 breaths (pass)

Bonus: 2 sets of 4 bridge kips

Some more progress on multiple fronts. I will keep the one-arm and one-leg bridges separated, since I'm sure to advance faster with the latter. The uneven handstand push ups are getting somewhere, too, though what I'm most excited about with them is that they seem to be improving my balance for free handstands (still can't hold them long enough to make an exercise of it, but I'm getting closer).


Type: Pass/Fail

One-arm Pull Up Negatives - 2 sets of 5, each side (pass)

Fingertip Diamond Push Ups - 2 sets of 12, each side (pass)

One-arm Bridges - 2 sets of 3, each side (pass)

One-leg Bridges - 2 sets of 3, each side (pass)

Bonus: 2 sets of 4 bridge kips, 5 breath isometric one-arm dead hang (each side)

Here we go! For multiple one-arm pull up negatives on each side, I'm starting to hold the top position for almost a full count, and I'm demonstrating some control on the descent. There's a road ahead of me yet, but being able to display that progress and feel good enough about it to increase the rep count at the same time feels great.


Type: Pass/Fail

One-arm Bridges - 1 set of 4, each side (pass) One-leg Bridges - 1 set of 4, each side (pass)

Free Headstand - 1 set of 40 breaths (pass)

Front Tuck Dead Hang - 1 set of 16 breaths (fail, 15 breaths)

Bonus: 4 sets of 3 half-Aztec push ups

So close! Squeezing out just one more breath on the front tuck dead hang would've been awesome, but I can't feel too down about it when I did push things nicely with the other movements. The one-arm bridges were definitely too much to do a second set, but I'm be open to trying that with the one-leg bridges. Onward!


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